Genetics Wiki

Telekinesis is the evo ability to influence physical matter with the force of the mind. Once awakened it is possible for this power to activate instinctively such as a fear response like when James tried to scared Dean by jumping out and Dean telekinetically through him into a wall. The strength of Telekinesis varies depending on the strength and skill of the user. A lot of practice and concentration can improve their control through the amount of training needed can also vary from person to person. 


Telekinesis is a very versatile ability. by applying this power to different things the user can cause a variety of effects. it is also worth mentioning that this power can be channeled through the hands, eyes, and pure thoughts of the user.


By applying their power to their own bodies, users can become inhumanly agile, allowing them to perform incredible feats such as superhuman jumps and leaps without much effort. 


By using telekinesis to change the path of objects a person can gained the ability to deviate several types of attacks such as bullets.


An example of telekinetic strength.

Enhanced Strength[]

With telekinesis a person can add force to their attacks gaining enhanced strength. this coupled with the natural enhanced strength that comes from being an evolved human makes the person immensely powerful.


By applying telekinesis to their body a evo can simulate levitation meaning that they could defy gravity for a very short period.




An evo can use their power of telekinesis to create a binding force around an object and make the force squeeze on said object. This ability requires more focus than others.

Telekinetic wave emission[]

All evos have this ability. This ability allows the evo to release a pulse of sheer telekinetic force from their hands or their entire body. Being that this force is repelled from the body towards a person or object the person or object can only be pushed away.



This is the most common way to channel this power in the series. While channeling the power through the hands a person will usually fling their arm, hand, or fingers to symbolize the movement.


Julia channeling telekinesis through her eyes.


When a person channels this power through their eyes they typically squint at the object, move their entire head, or close their eyes completely. while every evo can do this it is very uncommon.


This form of telekinetic channeling has only been achieved by the most powerful and trained evos such as Sabrina Adler who spent years honing her abilities.
